Food is a delicious part of any culture. And so what better way to experience different cultures than by letting your taste buds travel the globe.
That’s why we’ve launched our SIETAR UK supper club on 30 January 2017 with a special dinner at Bangalore Express City.
The event started off with a brief introduction to the traditional Indian foods we were about to devour and the plates with mouth-watering delicacies only kept coming. Our local foodie Yasmin also introduced us to the variety of Indian cuisines that greatly differ depending on region.
We had a very international group with representatives from Japan, Peru, Norway, India, Spain, France, UK, Italy, Vietnam and the US. That gave us some great conversation starters, especially when we compared our attitudes to food, eating customs and rituals, and the different cuisines in our own cultures. It was great to hear from everyone about their own favourite traditional dish and what they miss most from ‘home’.
Overall, we had a lovely evening with great conversations, and everyone enjoyed our first SIETAR UK supper club and agreed that cuisine is a great way to learn about other cultures and to socialize and ‘network’ at the same time.
If you’ve missed the event but want to share a traditional dish that’s special to you, then submit your special recipe and you might be published in the SIETAR Europa intercultural cook book.