Community Development: Do interculturalists have a role to play?

Community development is not a new concept. Largely growing out of the policies and activities of British colonial governors and administrators, the theory and practice of today is still largely influenced by this legacy. As years roll on and government approaches to...

Intercultural Career Boost

By Gabriela Weglowska Although intercultural careers are still quite rare, the field is rapidly expanding. As businesses are going global and teams are becoming more culturally diverse, there are two types of people that are currently in high demand: those with...

SPLINTERED SOCIETY: Do interculturalists have a role to play?

By Ciaran O’Brien It would be a fallacy to deny that the EU Referendum has created rifts across the United Kingdom. Whilst there was and continues to be a strong appetite in certain parts of the media and political spectrum to perpetrate and exaggerate these...