20th April, 6pm – 7pm BST
While interculturalists are increasingly questioning the validity of simplistic approaches to training based on national cultural differences clients still often expect lists of dos and don’ts for particular countries. Use of country-specific data about cultural dimensions is highly appealing but potentially counter-productive; it can all too easily lead to the propagation of sophisticated stereotypes.
In this interactive presentation I will talk about:
- Why we need to move beyond national cultures and consider multiple identities.
- What the most important types of cultural identity are.
- How we can best support clients to leverage cultural diversity for business success.
Robert Gibson has 30 years’ experience of global competence development in business and education. He was responsible for intercultural training at Siemens AG from 2000 – 2018 and has taught at several universities including the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Ingolstadt School of Management and Bologna Business School. He was a founding member of SIETAR Deutschland and former Vice-President of SIETAR Europa. His latest publication Bridge the Culture Gaps – a toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace was published by Nicholas Brealey/Hachette in 2021.
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