Talk on Zoom by Patrick Schmidt
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We were pleased to welcome Patrick Schmidt, a former President of SIETAR Europa and former Editor-in-chief of the SIETAR Europa Journal, to give a talk for SIETAR UK members and a wider audience on Tuesday, 1 October 18.00 – 19.00 UK time.
Patrick spoke about how our unconscious biases influence our everyday lives and our intercultural relationships. Based on his new book Your Unconscious Biases, he drew our attention to our biases by using great works of art that demonstrate how our memories, experiences and memories, especially those from early childhood, largely dictate our behaviour. This talk was unique in the sense that it helps us see our unconscious biases by emphasizing the artistic visual aspect.
Patrick Schmidt has been active in the intercultural field for over 30 years, working as a facilitator, lecturer and author. American by birth and education, he left the U.S. soon after finishing his studies and spent the next three decades living and working in France, Germany, Austria, Canada and Malaysia. His extensive work with the German automobile industry led to his first book Understanding American and German Business Cultures. His second book, In Search of Intercultural Understanding, is a practical guide to living and working across cultures. Dancing to a Different Tune, his third book, is a collection of interviews, essays and commentaries on the intercultural experience.
He served as president of Sietar Europa (2010 – 2011) as well as editor-in-chief of the SIETAR Europa Journal (2009 – 2021).